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Racism Today ?

The racism didn’t play a role in South Africa but the span between rich and poor is really big. And often the white people are the rich people and give the blacks work. Many of the blacks live in slums which the life standards are low. They haven’t enough money to buy clothes or nourishment so they work for the whites on their plantations or factories. Furthermore the crime rise fast in the slums. This was a big problem because the white people must hide them behind tall walls around their houses. Sometimes they can’t go in some neighbourhood without security or a gun because they are scared about the high criminal rate. All in all the people in South Africa didn’t live in an Apartheid but the whites and blacks are nevertheless apart from each other. They live in other populated areas and the whites are almost rich quite contrary to the blacks. This create taut atmosphere.

One of the most important event in South Africa’s history was the Apartheid. The government organized this racial segregation against the blacks. It was mainly characterized by the authoritarian, selfproclaimed supremacy of the white European population who stand over all. This period already started at the beginning of the 20th century in South Africa. The high point of this period was from the 1940s to the 1980s and ended in 1994. In this year the first black president of South Africa was chosen by the South African population. His name was Nelson Mandela who fought for the equality. Today, the term is sometimes used as a symbol of racism. The political action was taken with such attempts as a criminal act.

Rolihlahla Mandela was born on 18th July 1918 in the village of Mvezo in South Africa. When he was 12 years old his father died so he lived with his uncle. He attended primary school where his teacher Miss Mdingave gave him the name Nelson. With 19 he studied law and founded as a tribal leader the ANC. The ANC attracted attention from the state so he ran away and went to Johannesburg.

When he was 26 he married Vinie and had three childs with her. After that he worked as a legal clark for a lawyer. In this period of Apartheid he had plotting against the state with failure of peaceful protest, where in many people died. Nelson Mandela was really shocked about that, so the group (ANC) started with military actions and sabotages. At this time of planning the government found him and he was charged by judgment because he had plotting against the state and planned military actions. After the long process Nelson was arrested in Robben Island. His wife Vinie was allowed to see Mandela each 6 Months. Later he moved to another prison. Nelson Mandela was 27 years for plotting against the state in prison.


Finally, Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa and he is one of the popular freedom fighter in the past.

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